In a landmark project, the first of its kind in Italy in many years, Sisgen deployed our full spectrum of resources to tackle an exceptionally challenging task. Adhering to stringent environmental regulations, we successfully implemented the “Surgical Trench” method for cable protection. This project involved nearshore cable protection with a focus on minimizing environmental impact, especially on the delicate Posidonia prairies. Utilizing a combination of trenching, jetting, backfilling, and specialized procedures, we ensured a balance between operational efficiency and ecological sensitivity.

The project's complexity was heightened by the unique seabed composition, necessitating segments of trench as deep as 4 meters to overcome seagrass morphological reliefs. This feat was achieved using our specialized underwater machine, the STC, which performed remarkably in varied conditions including Posidonia, sediment soil, and rock. The outcome was a minimally invasive, narrow trench on the seabed, demonstrating our capability to operate effectively in environmentally sensitive and geologically challenging areas.

Year: 2023

Client: Prysmian Power Link

Main Client: Terna Rete Italia